Sage Bionetworks Global Configuration

To use this custom configuration, run the pipeline with -profile sage. This will download and load the sage.config, which contains a number of optimizations relevant to Sage employees running workflows on AWS (e.g. using Nextflow Tower). This profile will also load any applicable pipeline-specific configuration.

This global configuration includes the following tweaks:

  • Update the default value for igenomes_base to s3://sage-igenomes
  • Enable retries for all failures
  • Allow pending jobs to finish if the number of retries are exhausted
  • Increase resource allocations for specific resource-related exit codes
  • Optimize resource allocations to better “fit” EC2 instance types
  • Slow the increase in the number of allocated CPU cores on retries
  • Increase the default time limits because we run pipelines on AWS
  • Increase the amount of time allowed for file transfers
  • Improve reliability of file transfers with retries and reduced concurrency

Additional information about iGenomes

The following iGenomes prefixes have been copied from s3://ngi-igenomes/ (eu-west-1) to s3://sage-igenomes (us-east-1). See this script for more information. The sage-igenomes S3 bucket has been configured to openly available, but files cannot be downloaded out of us-east-1 to avoid egress charges. You can check the conf/igenomes.config file in each nf-core pipeline to figure out the mapping between genome IDs (i.e. for --genome) and iGenomes prefixes (example).

  • Human Genome Builds
    • Homo_sapiens/Ensembl/GRCh37
    • Homo_sapiens/GATK/GRCh37
    • Homo_sapiens/UCSC/hg19
    • Homo_sapiens/GATK/GRCh38
    • Homo_sapiens/NCBI/GRCh38
    • Homo_sapiens/UCSC/hg38
  • Mouse Genome Builds
    • Mus_musculus/Ensembl/GRCm38
    • Mus_musculus/UCSC/mm10

Config file

See config file on GitHub

// Config profile metadata
params {
    config_profile_description = 'The Sage Bionetworks Nextflow Config Profile'
    config_profile_contact     = 'Bruno Grande (@BrunoGrandePhD)'
    config_profile_url         = ''
    // Leverage us-east-1 mirror of select human and mouse genomes
    igenomes_base              = 's3://sage-igenomes/igenomes'
    cpus                       = 4
    max_cpus                   = 32
    max_memory                 = 128.GB
    max_time                   = 240.h
    single_cpu_mem             = 6.GB
// Increase time limit to allow file transfers to finish
// The default is 12 hours, which results in timeouts
threadPool.FileTransfer.maxAwait = '24 hour'
// Configure Nextflow to be more reliable on AWS
aws {
    region = "us-east-1"
    client {
        uploadMaxThreads = 4
    batch {
        retryMode            = 'built-in'
        maxParallelTransfers = 1
        maxTransferAttempts  = 10
        delayBetweenAttempts = '60 sec'
// Adjust default resource allocations (see `../docs/`)
process {
    resourceLimits = [
        memory: 128.GB,
        cpus: 32,
        time: 240.h
    maxErrors      = '-1'
    maxRetries     = 5
    // Enable retries globally for certain exit codes
    errorStrategy  = { task.attempt <= 5 ? 'retry' : 'finish' }
    cpus           = { 1 * factor(task, 2) }
    memory         = { 6.GB * factor(task, 1) }
    time           = { 24.h * factor(task, 1) }
    // Process-specific resource requirements
    withLabel: process_single {
        cpus   = { 1 * factor(task, 2) }
        memory = { 6.GB * factor(task, 1) }
        time   = { 24.h * factor(task, 1) }
    withLabel: process_low {
        cpus   = { 2 * factor(task, 2) }
        memory = { 12.GB * factor(task, 1) }
        time   = { 24.h * factor(task, 1) }
    withLabel: process_medium {
        cpus   = { 8 * factor(task, 2) }
        memory = { 32.GB * factor(task, 1) }
        time   = { 48.h * factor(task, 1) }
    withLabel: process_high {
        cpus   = { 16 * factor(task, 2) }
        memory = { 64.GB * factor(task, 1) }
        time   = { 96.h * factor(task, 1) }
    withLabel: process_long {
        time = { 96.h * factor(task, 1) }
    withLabel: 'process_high_memory|memory_max' {
        memory = { 128.GB * factor(task, 1) }
    withLabel: cpus_max {
        cpus = { 32 * factor(task, 2) }
// Function to finely control the increase of the resource allocation
def factor(task, slow_factor = 1) {
    if ( task.exitStatus in [143,137,104,134,139,247] ) {
        return Math.ceil( task.attempt / slow_factor) as int
    } else {
        return 1 as int